
pear net Learn more about pear net

  • Analysis of net cultivation pattern in the Transformation of Pear Orchard

    Analysis of net cultivation pattern in the Transformation of Pear Orchard

    Korla fragrant pear is one of the unique fruits in Aksu region. In 2003, the rare continuous low temperature in spring caused 621 hectares of fragrant pear to freeze to death, and the fruiting area of fragrant pear decreased by 1933 hectares due to wind injury, fruit drop at flowering stage and other natural factors. the direct loss reached 115 million yuan. In the past, the traditional measures to prevent and control freezing injury, such as smoking and wind barrier, can not resist the sudden drop of bad climate, so it is particularly urgent to solve the problem of freezing injury and wind injury of fragrant pear. The net cultivation mode is around the pear orchard.

  • Pear in syrup

    Pear in syrup

    Production method 1. Fruit selection: do not choose raw or overripe fruits, pears are ripe until yellow and slippery, and pears that are prone to discoloration such as rotten, mulberry, iron head, diseases and insect pests and apples are selected. The core temperature is above 5 ℃. two。 Pick the handle and peel it: first pick the pear handle and peel it mechanically. 3. Cut the seed nest in half and dig the seed nest in half longitudinally, dig out the seed nest and pedicle tendons, cut and trim into a complete 1 stick and 2 pieces. In the process of treatment, the fruit pieces must be immersed in 1: 2% salt water to protect the color, and the process should be shortened as much as possible.

  • How does balsam pear grow seedlings?

    How does balsam pear grow seedlings?

    How does balsam pear grow seedlings? The seed epidermis of balsam pear is thick and hard. If the seeds are sown directly into the field, the water is not easy to penetrate into the field, the germination is slow, the unearthed seedlings are uneven, and the rate of missing seedlings is relatively high. Therefore, seed soaking should be carried out before sowing. The main results are as follows: (1) the method of accelerating germination first put the seeds into 55.

  • How to raise seedlings of balsam pear?

    How to raise seedlings of balsam pear?

    The seed epidermis of balsam pear is thick and hard. If the seeds are sown directly into the field, the water is not easy to infiltrate into the field, the germination is slow, the seedlings are unearthed uneven, and the rate of missing seedlings is relatively high. Therefore, seed soaking should be carried out before sowing. The main results are as follows: (1) the seeds were soaked in warm water for about 55 ℃ for 10 minutes.

  • Processing of canned pear in syrup

    Processing of canned pear in syrup

    (1) the raw materials of the technological process are selected, → raw materials are treated, → is pre-cooked, → is canned, → is discharged, → is sealed, → is sterilized, and → is cooled. (2) technological essentials 1. The raw material selection is medium well, which has thick meat, small heart, delicate meat, few stone cells, neat fruit shape, smooth fruit surface, strong flavor and good flavor. Such as Changba pear, white pear, Yali pear, Laiyang pear, snow pear and so on. 2. The raw material treatment was graded according to the transverse diameter of the fruit. Get rid of diseases and insects, moldy and traumatic fruits. Rinse with clean water at 0.1

  • Pest control methods of pear net bug

    Pest control methods of pear net bug

    This insect, also known as military worms, gathers the dorsal thorns and suck juice in the leaves of adults and nymphs, so that the affected leaves are densely covered with white spots, and even the whole leaves are pale, causing early defoliation, affecting tree development and flower bud formation, and in serious cases, blooming twice in the autumn of the same year, causing damage to the yield of the second year. This insect has miscellaneous feeding habits and can harm many kinds of fruit trees, such as pear, apple, scarlet, begonia, peach, cherry, Hawthorn, jujube and so on. [occurrence regularity] there are 4-5 generations a year. The overwintering adults begin to lay eggs in mid-April, and the egg period is 10-15 days.

  • How to identify pear bugs

    How to identify pear bugs

    (1)Pear net bug: ① adult: body length about 3.5 mm, flat, dark brown. Small head, broad wings, dark black compound eyes, no monocular. Proterodorsal plate raised on both sides of the wing-like, translucent, which have network patterns. The front wings are slightly rectangular, and two are at rest.

    2020-11-08 species pear tree how identification bug pear net
  • Tang pear bubble gum water or bubble fruit wine eaten raw or cooked is another flavor.

    Tang pear bubble gum water or bubble fruit wine eaten raw or cooked is another flavor.

    Tang pear, also known as du pear, Tang pear branches often have thorns, deciduous trees or shrubs, up to 10m high. Bark gray-black, showing a small square crack; branchlets yellowish brown to dark brown, densely gray-white tomentose when young, and then gradually purple.

  • What about the drug damage of netted melon?

    What about the drug damage of netted melon?

    Netted melon is a kind of cantaloupe, because the pericarp is green, with gray or yellow stripes, very similar to the reticulate name, sweet taste like fragrant pear, very popular, then how to do drug damage? One, net grain melon medicine harm how to do? The drug damage of netted melon is mild and not necessary.

    2020-11-08 Net pattern melon drug damage how to do net pattern yes cantaloupe
  • Causes and Control methods of flowering and returning of planting Pear trees

    Causes and Control methods of flowering and returning of planting Pear trees

    In the sand pear system producing areas south of the Huaihe River and the Yangtze River basin, there will always be a part of pear orchards blossom and return to flower every autumn. All pear trees that have flowered are bound to reduce their production in the following year. Pear farmer friends have asked: why do pear trees blossom? How to control it effectively? Pen

    2020-11-08 Species pear trees blooming flowering causes and control methods in
  • The crown net bug of rhododendron

    The crown net bug of rhododendron

    Also known as pear net bug, pear net bug, flower belongs to Hemiptera, Pentatomidae. All over the country. With nymphs, adults harm rhododendron, rose, camellia, Michelia, jasmine, wax plum, wisteria and other potted flowers and trees. For the harmful adults and nymphs are clustered on the back of the leaves to suck juice, and the back of the injured leaves looks like a black sticky substance that has been splashed. This feature can be easily distinguished from other piercing pests. The whole injured leaf is yellowish yellow on the back, and many pale spots are formed on the front. When the damage is serious, the spots become patches, and even the whole leaf is chlorotic.

  • The shaping technology of pear trees with scaffolding structure

    The shaping technology of pear trees with scaffolding structure

    Scaffolding pear tree structure scaffolding pear tree shaping technology scaffolding pear originated in Japan, South Korea and China are also used. The tree shape is mainly used on pear trees of sand pear system, such as Fengshui, Xingao, Golden, Century and so on. Sand pears are generally in flower appearance.

  • Integrated control measures of pear diseases and insect pests

    Integrated control measures of pear diseases and insect pests

    Pear is a kind of fruit with a lot of water, which tastes sweet and has a certain nutritional value. There are many varieties of pears, and the environmental requirements for planting are also different. if they are not managed properly in the planting process, they are vulnerable to diseases and insect pests. Let's go together.

    2020-11-08 Pear trees diseases and insect pests integrated control measures pears yes a kind of
  • Occurrence and Preventive measures of Golden Pear Fruit

    Occurrence and Preventive measures of Golden Pear Fruit

    Golden pear was introduced into our city in 2000. Through high grafting and changing head, it has developed to 2567 hectares and began to hang fruit in 2001. However, in the production, it is found that the fruit surface of golden pear is easy to form fruit, and the rate of good fruit is 30% to 50%, which seriously affects the economic benefits of fruit farmers. For this reason, we have carried out investigation and analysis, found out the reasons and put forward the corresponding countermeasures. The main results are as follows: 1. the internal factors of occurrence: the occurrence of golden pear fruit is closely related to its pericarp structure. Golden pear fruit

  • Which is better, white balsam pear or green balsam pear? White bitter melon Nongxi 29 and green balsam pear EX-2682 won the championship.

    Which is better, white balsam pear or green balsam pear? White bitter melon Nongxi 29 and green balsam pear EX-2682 won the championship.

    The Taiwan seed and Seedling improvement Association and the Fengshan Tropical Horticulture Research Institute of the Council of Agriculture of the Executive Yuan jointly organized the "balsam pear variety competition". The white melon group was won by Nongxi 29 of Nongxi Enterprise Co., Ltd., while the green melon group

    2019-06-05 White balsam pear white balsam pear and green which one good white bitter melon farmer Xi
  • High density cultivation techniques of Xingao Pear

    High density cultivation techniques of Xingao Pear

    High-density cultivation techniques of Xingao pear Xingao pear is native to Japan and belongs to the sand pear system. Xingao pear was introduced from Jiyang County, Shandong Province in March 2010. it was planted in Zhangjia Village, Sun Town, Zouping County, Shandong Province. The thickness of the soil layer was greater than that of 80cm, and the soil pH value was 7.1 ~ 7.2. ...

  • Balsam pear ripe orange how to control balsam pear red handle

    Balsam pear ripe orange how to control balsam pear red handle

    Balsam pear ripe orange how to control balsam pear red handle

  • What are the methods of prevention and control of pear diseases and insect pests in winter?

    What are the methods of prevention and control of pear diseases and insect pests in winter?

    What are the pear diseases and insect pests in winter? What are the methods of prevention and control of pear diseases and insect pests in winter? We also ask experienced netizens to introduce that the main diseases and insect pests of pear trees in winter are pear weevil, pear wasp, pear gall midge, pear scab, pear black spot, red yellow spider, shell insect and so on.

  • Do you use pinching to grow balsam pear?

    Do you use pinching to grow balsam pear?

    Balsam pear is a common vegetable in life, often edible can lose weight, reduce fire, etc., generally more popular in summer, that planting balsam pear with pinching? Do you use pinching to grow balsam pear? Planting balsam pear should be pinched. Usually after balsam pear grows vines and climbs onto the shelf

    2020-11-08 Planting balsam pear with pinch sharp yes life medium common
  • How to increase the number of female flowers of balsam pear

    How to increase the number of female flowers of balsam pear

    The reason for the low yield of balsam pear is that there are too few female flowers. Balsam pear female flowers are too few, there are few pollinators every day, of course, the yield can not go up. The following editor will introduce to you how to increase the number of female flowers of balsam pear. In fact, balsam pear flower bud differentiation begins at seedling stage.

    2020-11-08 How to make balsam pear female flower increase balsam pear yield low